Title Loans
Have you been turned down for a loan at your bank or local finance company? Are all of the fees, insurance and confusing terms from the “other guys” leaving you confused? We make it easy, so much so that pretty much everyone who can meet a few requirements is appoved.
Everybody Is Approved!
That’s right everybody is approved. To qualify, all you need is the title to your car, an extra set of keys, income and address verification. So, let’s recap. All you need is:
- Your car title
- Set of keys
- Paycheck stub from your job
- Utility bill in your name
And that’s it! We won’t do a credit check, and we only ask for verification so that we know you’re stable and have a way to pay the loan back. As long as your car is in good running condition and newer than 1987, and you live in South Georgia or North Florida – you’re approved!
Stop by our office at 1303 North Ashley Street – which is right in between Michael’s Deli and KFC – and we’ll have your loan approved and finished in less than 20 minutes. Give us a call at 229-245-6045 or come by the office and let us help you today!